The AETD aim is to develop Tara Dornelor to an eco-touristic destination by coordinating and supporting the efforts of all participants targeted to reach this objective.
The touristic destination is a confined geographical area, having the following characteristics:
- a coherent and unitary marketing image;
- a variety of touristic products which fit in the projected destination image of the tourists;
- a net of general and specific services which contributes to the realization of the touristic products accordingly to the marketing image;
- the existence of an “administrator/coordinator” of the destination, with defined politics and activators in implementing the destination coordination.
The eco-touristic destination is the touristic destination that also meets the next principles:
- the awareness and information of the tourists and local people concerning the state of naturalness is made at the level of destination;
- real measures to conserve nature are being implemented at the level of destination;
- project a proper and “green” marketing image;
- there is a real support for the local community at the level of destination;
- within the destination, there is a majority of businesses with sustainable management.

Maricica Cazimirciuc
Mari is the person who makes things happen! Very dedicated and energetic, she can be met in just one day either on her daily round talking to the tourist entrepreneurs, producers, local craftsmen, or in session meetings with the local public authorities or with a group of visitors interested in exploiting the genuine natural beauty of Tara Dornelor. No detail can escape from Mari while she always tries to meet all the expectations!

Monica David
Monica is the person who has got all “the words on her”! It can sound easy work, but Monica does research, analyses, creates, evaluates, enhances and reinvent herself on a daily basis in order to provide quality content to make people want to visit Tara Dornelor, no matter of age, fitness or season. When Monica is not in the office, she can be met on a hiking trip in the mountains or in meetings with local people who make the story of Tara Dornelor an authentic one.
Executive Office of Ecotourism Association Țara Dornelor (AETD) | |
Cazimirciuc Maricica | Destination Manager |
David Monica Alina | Specialist in Public Relations |
The Board of Directors of the Ecotourism Association Țara Dornelor (AETD) | |
Chirilă Andrei - Andrei's trout farm, Coverca village, Panaci commune | President |
Gherman Carmen - Casa Carmen Guesthouse, Ortoaia village, Dorna Arini commune | Member |
Lemnaru Andrei - Trout farm at Poalele Călimanilor, Gura Haitii village, Șaru Dornei commune | Member |
Chiriluș Ema - Studio Chiriluș - photo-video and advertising services, Vatra Dornei | Member |
Crucianu Adrian - Elena Guesthouse, Drăgoiasa village, Panaci commune / Călimani cheese producer | Member |
Ursache Cătălin - local guide - hiking / equestrian, Șaru Dornei commune | Member |
Iordache Mihaela -Bâtca Tisei Guesthouse, Neagra Șarului village, Șaru Dornei commune | Member |