Discover Țara Dornelor on two wheels! It is spread on a distance of 150 kilometers of mountain cycling. From the shortest and easiest trails which wind through the beautiful and picturesque villages of the Dornelor Depression to the longest and difficult ones which go up to the bald peaks from Suhard, Giumalău and Călimani mountains!
Energize yourself hiking along the 420 km of mountain trails from Vatra Dornelor. It is an appealing opportunity to actively relax and get to know the area while observing nature on your own, properly equipped with a map and hiking outfit, guided by the host of the house or a local guide. Add on your hiking list the nordic walking trail situated in the Central Park of Vatra Dornei!

The zip-line gives you the adrenaline for heights, on a distance of 160 meters, right in the centre of Vatra Dornei resort, above the pedestrian bridge that crosses Dorna river. And in the heart of the Rarau massif, more than 50 climbing routes, with different degrees of difficulty, are waiting for you to discover them.
The longest and the most spectacular ride on Bistrita valley is developed on a distance of 22 km during 3 hours up to Zugreni – Cheile Bistriței/ Bistrita Quays. A kayak sits on the top ride is available near the pedestrian bridge that links the old centre of the town with the Central Park.
Tara Dornelor offers the possibility of practising the equestrian tourism, either for beginners – through initiating lessons and comfortable rides, or for more experienced people – riding trips on itinerary trails, during a few days, with camping possibility or trails in star, accommodating in pensions. In winter you can admire story like sights, riding in a horse open sleigh during a few hour trip in Vatra Dornei town, Runc Hill area or Drumul Tatarilor, as well as in Neagra Sarului- Gura Haitii area.
The place wherein the evening, the stories are told nursing the fire, after a long day out in the snow! In Tara Dornelor you can choose from a wide range of involving sports: cross-country skiing, alpine skiing and snowboarding, sleigh, bobsleigh and skeleton bob, ice climbing, snow tubing and skating. The destination provides five homologized ski slopes, Dealu Negru Ski Slope being the second in the country, in terms of length (3.200 m) and a natural sleigh bob track, the only one that is homologized in the South-East of Europe.

As a tourist or skier, you can admire Dornelor depression in its splendour, Rodnei and Calimani Mountains, on a 25-minute ride in the chairlift, on a length of 3 km, from Vatra Dornei to Dealu Negru, at the altitude of 1301 m – Diecilor Peak.
INFO: Functioning hours – from Monday to Sunday between 10.00 and 16.00, for a minimum of 10 people.
The last lift is at 16.00! Details on the phone: 0744 587 537 or on 48 Negresti street, Vatra Dornei.