Codrul Secular Giumalău Natural Reservation reveals a pristine forest with secular Molidae tress and rich herbaceous flora and is situated on the west mountainside of Giumalau massif, between 1.230 and 1.680 m altitude. The easiest access can be done from DN17, Valea Putnei on Putna Mare and Sterparul streams, on a distance of 14 km.
Zugreni Quays Natural Reservation formed by Bistriţa river while breaking through the hard rocks at the limit of the massifs Giumalău and Pietrosul Bistriţei. The reserve, crossed by the main road 17 B (Vatra Dornei-Piatra Neamţ) is located 20 km downstream of Vatra Dornei and protects plant species of community interest (i.e. edelweiss – Leontopodium alpinum, situated at the lowest altitude in Moldova). It is the setting off point for the mountain trails: Pietrosul Bistritei peak, Giumalau and Rarau and during the cold season ice climbing can be practised here.
Jnepenis/Pinus mugo with Pinus Cembra Scientific Reservation situated within Călimani National Park is characterized by the mix of Molidae with pinus cembra (glacier relict tree) and Pinus mugo. Don’t forget that we can find pinus cembra trees in Romania, only in a few places of Oriental and Meridional Carpathians.
The Mixt Landscape Reservation Iezerul Călimanului Lake. It is the only natural place in Călimani, on the south part of the volcanic caldera. The area abounds with Pinus mugo and juniper bushes, rare flowers like the rhododendron, mammal species, birds, insects and reptiles, all specific to Oriental Carpathians.