Tara Dornelor offers the possibility of practising the equestrian tourism, either for beginners – through initiating lessons and comfortable rides, or for more experienced people – riding trips on itinerary trails, during a few days, with camping possibility or trails in star, accommodating in pensions. In winter you can admire story like sights, riding in a horse open sleigh during a few hour trip in Vatra Dornei town, Runc Hill area or Drumul Tatarilor, as well as in Neagra Sarului- Gura Haitii area. At the end of the ride you will indulge yourself in the hot wine, blackberry drink, the sausages and ham warmed on the grill.

Horseback riding centres in Țara Dornelor
Echitaţie Runc – Vatra Dornei / Runc Equitation
Address: Vatra Dornei – Runc Street
Facebook: @Echitatie Runc – Vatra Dornei
Telephone: 0742 248 519 / 0746 972 116
Website: www.agrement-dorna.ro
Domeniul Cailor – Bucovina / The Domain of Horses
Address: Dorna Arini, no.78A
Telephone: 0785 557 060
Facebook: @DomeniulCailorBucovina
Caii Bucovinei – Vatra Dornei / The Horses of Bucovina
Address: Vatra Dornei, Negrești Street, no. 48 (chairlift)
Telephone: 0743 690 799
Facebook: @caiibucovinei
Equestrian Tourism – Călare prin Călimani / Riding through Calimani
Address: Neagra Șarului Village – Șaru Dornei Commune
Telephone: 0754 212 800 / 0744 483 169
Facebook: @CalareprinCalimani

We strongly recommend booking with at least 24 hours in advance!